Sweatshop Southern Athletics League: Division 3 North - Round 2 - St Ives - 18 May 2013
Team Score
1 Huntingdonshire   294 H
2 Serpentine   254.5 S
3 Vale of Aylesbury   250.5 V
4 West Norfolk/Diss   116 N
5 0   0
Men's A 100m Wind=  
1 Ryan Palmer U20 Huntingdonshire 11.0 5 769 aw
2 Tom Waiting SM Vale of Aylesbury 11.4 4 644 aw
3 Craig Brooks U20 West Norfolk/Diss 11.9 3 507
4 JT Wong SM Serpentine 12.3 2 412
Men's B 100m Wind=  
1 Karl Goodman U23 Vale of Aylesbury 11.4 5 644 aw
2 Matthew Bailey U20 West Norfolk/Diss 12.1 4 458
3 Yann Yao SM Huntingdonshire 12.1 3 458
4 Richard Taylor SM Serpentine 13.7 2 167
Men's A 200m Wind=  
1 Tom Waiting SM Vale of Aylesbury 23.7 5 573
2 Yann Yao SM Huntingdonshire 24.2 4 509
3 Craig Brooks U20 West Norfolk/Diss 24.9 3 426
4 JT Wong SM Serpentine 26.2 2 295
Men's B 200m Wind=  
1 Matthew Bailey U20 West Norfolk/Diss 24.4 5 484
2 Adam Waind SM Vale of Aylesbury 24.6 4 461
3 Fred Williams U17 Huntingdonshire 25.0 3 415
4 Richard Taylor SM Serpentine 28.7 2 117
Men's A 400m
1 Tom Johnson U20 Huntingdonshire 49.7 5 781 aw
2 Patrick Taylor U20 Vale of Aylesbury 52.9 4 599 aw
3 Pau Herrero SM Serpentine 54.7 3 509
4 Jack Pishorn SM West Norfolk/Diss 66.8 2 109
Men's B 400m
1 Dan Barber SM Vale of Aylesbury 52.9 5 599 aw
2 Peter Downhill M40 Huntingdonshire 56.1 4 445
3 Daniel De Palol SM Serpentine 63.4 3 187
Men's A 800m
1 Andy Dobson SM Huntingdonshire 1:58.2 5 714 aw
2 Patrick Taylor U20 Vale of Aylesbury 2:00.7 4 652 aw
3 Will Sharp SM Serpentine 2:11.2 3 425
4 Kris Northall SM West Norfolk/Diss 2:15.7 2 346
Men's B 800m
1 Luke Scott U20 Huntingdonshire 2:02.7 5 604 aw
2 Andrew Reeves M40 Serpentine 2:12.4 4 403
3 Dan Barber SM Vale of Aylesbury 2:14.7 3 363
Men's A 1500m
1 Pau Herrero SM Serpentine 4:17.1 5 567 aw
2 Patrick Taylor U20 Vale of Aylesbury 4:21.1 4 528 aw
3 Matt Pyatt SM Huntingdonshire 4:23.5 3 506
4 Kris Northall SM West Norfolk/Diss 4:52.9 2 278
Men's B 1500m
1 Will Green SM Serpentine 4:18.7 5 551 aw
2 Alex Smith SM Huntingdonshire 4:34.3 4 412
3 Clive Fallare M50 Vale of Aylesbury 6:00.9 3 25
Men's A 3000m
1 Will Green SM Serpentine 9:09.2 5 618 aw
2 Mark Harris SM Huntingdonshire 9:20.1 4 567 aw
3 Charlie May SM Vale of Aylesbury 9:29.0 3 528 aw
Men's B 3000m
1 Daniel De Palol SM Serpentine 9:35.0 5 502
2 John Uff SM Huntingdonshire 9:49.7 4 442
3 Clive Fallare M50 Vale of Aylesbury 12:54.3 3 19
Men's A 110mH Wind=  
1 Adam Waind SM Vale of Aylesbury 20.4 5 330
2 Richard Phelan M50 Huntingdonshire 21.9 4 231
3 Andrew Reeves M40 Serpentine 22.1 3 219
Men's B 110mH Wind=  
1 Will Sharp SM Serpentine 22.4 5 202
2 Junior Russell SM Huntingdonshire 22.7 4 185
Men's A 400mH
1 Adam Waind SM Vale of Aylesbury 60.9 5 616 aw
2 Jared Amos U20 Huntingdonshire 63.0 4 555 aw
3 Richard Taylor SM Serpentine 72.9 3 308
Men's B 400mH
1 Peter Downhill M40 Huntingdonshire 63.0 5 555 aw
2 Dan Barber SM Vale of Aylesbury 68.0 4 422
3 Nicola Barberis Negra SM Serpentine 84.2 3 111
Men's A 3000m Steeplechase
1 Andrew Reeves M40 Serpentine 10:25.3 5 620 aw
2 Mark Harris SM Huntingdonshire 10:47.5 4 551 aw
Men's B 3000m Steeplechase
1 Nicola Barberis Negra SM Serpentine 10:47.0 5 553 aw
2 AJ Ellwood SM Huntingdonshire 12:25.5 4 298
Men's A High Jump
1 Junior Russell SM Huntingdonshire 1.60 5 511
2 Will Sharp SM Serpentine 1.60 4 511
3 TJ Bartley U20 Vale of Aylesbury 1.55 3 470
4 Ben Collison SM West Norfolk/Diss 1.10 2 88
Men's B High Jump
1 Richard Phelan SM Huntingdonshire 1.60 5 511
2 Nicola Barberis Negra SM Serpentine 1.10 4 88
Men's A Pole Vault
1 Richard Phelan M50 Huntingdonshire 2.40 5 348
2 Gary Brazier M55 Vale of Aylesbury 2.20 4 303
3 Tony McGahan M55 Serpentine 2.20 3 303
Men's B Pole Vault
1 Wayne DuBose M50 Huntingdonshire 2.20 5 303
2 Jim Rayner M60 Vale of Aylesbury 1.10 3.5 32
3 Nicola Barberis Negra SM Serpentine 1.10 3.5 32
Men's A Long Jump Wind
1 Andy Bleakley SM Vale of Aylesbury 6.30 5   714 aw
2 Alex Knox-Hooke U20 Huntingdonshire 5.73 4   601 aw
3 Craig Brooks U20 West Norfolk/Diss 5.32 3   521
4 JT Wong SM Serpentine 5.27 2   511
Men's B Long Jump Wind
1 TJ Bartley U20 Vale of Aylesbury 5.61 5   578
2 Matthew Bailey U20 West Norfolk/Diss 5.31 4   519
3 Jared Amos U20 Huntingdonshire 5.26 3   509
4 Richard Taylor SM Serpentine 4.52 2   366
Men's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Andy Bleakley SM Vale of Aylesbury 12.53 5   677 aw
2 Will Sharp SM Serpentine 10.73 4   497
3 Richard Phelan M50 Huntingdonshire 9.99 3   417
Men's B Triple Jump Wind
1 TJ Bartley U20 Vale of Aylesbury 11.85 5   611 aw
2 Richard Taylor SM Serpentine 9.67 4   382
3 Hakeem Duckworth-Porter SM Huntingdonshire 7.86 3   157
Men's A Shot Putt
1 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 13.28 5 808 aw
2 Danny McIntosh M40 Serpentine 9.84 4 569
3 Gaith Taha SM Vale of Aylesbury 8.97 3 500
4 Jack Pishorn SM West Norfolk/Diss 5.40 2 111
Men's B Shot Putt
1 Wayne DuBose M55 Huntingdonshire 9.21 5 519
2 Gary Brazier M55 Vale of Aylesbury 7.95 4 411
3 Tony McGahan SM Serpentine 6.69 3 286
Men's A Discus
1 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 42.46 5 798 aw
2 Gaith Taha SM Vale of Aylesbury 23.33 4 457
3 Will Sharp M40 Serpentine 17.63 3 316
4 Jack Pishorn SM West Norfolk/Diss 13.44 2 174
Men's B Discus
1 Bob Ellingham M45 Huntingdonshire 27.09 5 535
2 Gary Brazier M55 Vale of Aylesbury 22.60 4 441
3 Tony McGahan SM Serpentine 16.01 3 267
Men's A Hammer
1 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 55.00 5 880 aw
2 Danny McIntosh M40 Serpentine 22.75 4 467
3 Gaith Taha SM Vale of Aylesbury 17.46 3 369
4 Jack Pishorn SM West Norfolk/Diss 11.87 2 233
Men's B Hammer
1 Neil Bulman SM Huntingdonshire 42.46 5 742 aw
2 Tony McGahan SM Serpentine 18.49 4 389
3 Clive Fallare M50 Vale of Aylesbury 9.05 3 131
Men's A Javelin
1 Gaith Taha SM Vale of Aylesbury 37.66 5 581 aw
2 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 32.82 4 507
3 Danny McIntosh M40 Serpentine 28.28 3 433
4 Jack Pishorn SM West Norfolk/Diss 17.51 2 231
Men's B Javelin
1 Tony McGahan SM Serpentine 26.16 5 397
2 Gary Brazier M55 Vale of Aylesbury 23.65 4 352
3 Ryan Palmer U20 Huntingdonshire 21.87 3 319
Men's 4x100m
1 Huntingdonshire SM Huntingdonshire 44.4 5 542
2 Vale of Aylesbury SM Vale of Aylesbury 45.3 4 467
3 Serpentine SM Serpentine 51.6 3 104
4 West Norfolk/Diss SM West Norfolk/Diss 60.5 2 0
Men's 4x400m
1 Vale of Aylesbury SM Vale of Aylesbury 3:33.1 5 495
2 Huntingdonshire SM Huntingdonshire 3:46.3 4 316
3 Serpentine SM Serpentine 3:52.3 3 249
4 West Norfolk/Diss SM West Norfolk/Diss 4:10.5 2 96
Women's A 100m Wind=  
1 Lily Seach U20 Huntingdonshire 13.5 5 546
2 Collette McGinn SW West Norfolk/Diss 14.0 4 457
3 Hannah Welsh U20 Vale of Aylesbury 14.5 3 378
4 Anna Diamantopoulos W40 Serpentine 15.1 2 294
Women's B 100m Wind=  
1 Lauri Watt U20 Huntingdonshire 14.0 5 457
2 Rochelle Arulanandam U20 Vale of Aylesbury 15.2 4 281
3 Natasha Sheel SW Serpentine 16.7 3 128
Women's A 200m Wind=  
1 Taylor Benson U20 West Norfolk/Diss 27.6 5 553
2 Lauri Watt U20 Huntingdonshire 28.2 4 502
3 Hannah Welsh U20 Vale of Aylesbury 29.9 3 375
4 Anna Diamantopoulos W40 Serpentine 32 2 248
Women's B 200m Wind=  
1 Laurel Phelan U20 Huntingdonshire 28.6 5 470
2 Rachel Russell U23 Vale of Aylesbury 30.4 4 342
3 Natasha Sheel SW Serpentine 35.9 3 93
Women's A 400m
1 Taylor Benson U20 West Norfolk/Diss 64.0 5 537 aw
2 Lily Seach U20 Huntingdonshire 64.5 4 520 aw
3 Hannah Welsh U20 Vale of Aylesbury 67.4 3 429
4 Ilona Bagi SW Serpentine 71.9 2 306
Women's B 400m
1 Siobhan Skinner SW Huntingdonshire 68.0 5 412
2 Katrina Wasteney SW West Norfolk/Diss 69.7 4 364
3 Grace Kimble SW Serpentine 72.0 3 304
4 Julia Austin W45 Vale of Aylesbury 75.5 2 224
Women's A 800m
1 Ella Blake U17 Huntingdonshire 2:27.7 5 574 aw
2 Nicky Neill SW West Norfolk/Diss 2:28.6 4 561
3 Grace Kimble SW Serpentine 2:32.0 3 514
4 Julia Austin W45 Vale of Aylesbury 2:41.8 2 388 aw
Women's B 800m
1 Eloise Webb U17 Huntingdonshire 2:42.5 5 380
2 Lisa Pettit W45 Serpentine 3:00.2 4 202
3 Heather Fallaize W50 Vale of Aylesbury 3:16.1 3 91
Women's A 1500m
1 Victoria Crawford SW Serpentine 5:02.7 5 579 aw
2 Rebecca Cousins SW West Norfolk/Diss 5:19.7 4 468
3 Eleanor Smith U20 Huntingdonshire 5:20.6 3 463
4 Julia Austin W45 Vale of Aylesbury 5:26.5 2 427 aw
Women's B 1500m
1 Nicky Neill SW West Norfolk/Diss 5:23.7 5 444
2 Lisa Pettit W45 Serpentine 5:36.1 4 372 aw
3 Maggie Mulholland W45 Huntingdonshire 5:40.5 3 348
4 Heather Fallaize W50 Vale of Aylesbury 6:30.0 2 135
Women's A 3000m
1 Victoria Crawford SW Serpentine 10:18.0 5 707 aw
2 Rebecca Cousins SW West Norfolk/Diss 11:03.1 4 555 aw
3 Eleanor Smith U20 Huntingdonshire 11:40.1 3 443 aw
4 Vicky Sheldon W45 Vale of Aylesbury 11:53.8 2 405 aw
Women's B 3000m
1 Sarah Pemberton SW Serpentine 10:53.2 5 587 aw
2 Julia Austin W45 Vale of Aylesbury 12:50.7 4 264
Women's A 100mH Wind=  
1 Lauri Watt U20 Huntingdonshire 16 5 675 aw
2 Katrina Wasteney SW West Norfolk/Diss 21.2 4 270
3 Deanna Laforet SW Serpentine 22.5 3 195
Women's B 100mH Wind=  
1 Holly Addis U20 Huntingdonshire 19.5 5 384
Women's A 400mH
1 Emily Binner SW Huntingdonshire 73.9 5 515 aw
2 Katrina Wasteney SW West Norfolk/Diss 77.4 4 435
3 Deanna Laforet SW Serpentine 83.1 3 317
4 Vicky Sheldon W45 Vale of Aylesbury 100.2 2 60
Women's B 400mH
1 Rachel Russell U23 Vale of Aylesbury 93.3 5 144
2 Penny Butcher W50 Huntingdonshire 94.2 4 132
3 Steph Vaatz W35 Serpentine 119.6 3 0
Women's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Sarah Pemberton SW Serpentine 8:11.6 5 528 aw
2 Eleanor Smith U20 Huntingdonshire 8:42.9 4 405 aw
Women's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 Ellen O'Connor SW Serpentine 8:49.8 5 380 aw
2 Sammie Skinner SW Huntingdonshire 9:32.0 4 246
Women's A High Jump
1 Laurel Phelan U20 Huntingdonshire 1.50 5 651 aw
2 Donelle Arulanandam U17 Vale of Aylesbury 1.45 4 597 aw
3 Maureen Seguin SW Serpentine 1.20 3 324
Women's B High Jump
1 Holly Addis U20 Huntingdonshire 1.35 5 488
2 Rochelle Arulanandam U20 Vale of Aylesbury 1.30 4 433
3 Natasha Sheel SW Serpentine 1.00 3 108
Women's A Pole Vault
1 Sandra Pedley W45 Huntingdonshire 1.70 5 288
2 Deanna Laforet SW Serpentine 1.10 4 110
Women's B Pole Vault
1 Maureen Seguin SW Serpentine 1.10 5 110
Women's A Long Jump Wind
1 Lauri Watt U20 Huntingdonshire 4.90 5   637 aw
2 Rochelle Arulanandam U23 Vale of Aylesbury 4.46 4   538
3 Collette McGinn SW West Norfolk/Diss 4.07 3   451
4 Ilona Bagi SW Serpentine 3.72 2   374
Women's B Long Jump Wind
1 Donelle Arulanandam U17 Vale of Aylesbury 4.38 5   520
2 Holly Addis U20 Huntingdonshire 4.17 4   473
3 Maureen Seguin SW Serpentine 3.54 3   335
Women's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Donelle Arulanandam U17 Vale of Aylesbury 10.40 5   653 aw
2 Holly Addis U20 Huntingdonshire 8.75 4   475
3 Victoria Crawford SW Serpentine 8.16 3   408
4 Katrina Wasteney SW West Norfolk/Diss 7.83 2   371
Women's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Rochelle Arulanandam U20 Vale of Aylesbury 9.59 5   567 aw
2 Natasha Sheel SW Serpentine 7.19 4   296
3 Penny Butcher W50 Huntingdonshire 6.90 3   261
Women's A Shot Putt
1 Zoe Magnall U23 Vale of Aylesbury 9.79 5 708 aw
2 Mary Davies W35 Serpentine 7.44 4 526
3 Nicky Neill SW West Norfolk/Diss 6.32 3 425
4 Rebecca Pedley U20 Huntingdonshire 5.73 2 365
Women's B Shot Putt
1 Brenda Russell W55 Vale of Aylesbury 6.20 5 413
2 Katrina Wasteney SW West Norfolk/Diss 5.85 4 378
3 Lisa Pettit W45 Serpentine 5.47 3 337
4 Penny Butcher U20 Huntingdonshire 5.37 2 325
Women's A Discus
1 Zoe Magnall U23 Vale of Aylesbury 30.64 5 740 aw
2 Mary Davies W35 Serpentine 17.68 4 490
3 Siobhan Skinner SW Huntingdonshire 15.48 3 432
Women's B Discus
1 Brenda Russell W55 Vale of Aylesbury 20.04 5 544 aw
2 Rebecca Pedley U20 Huntingdonshire 12.74 4 346
3 Steph Vaatz W35 Serpentine 11.73 3 308
Women's A Hammer
1 Mary Davies W35 Serpentine 26.96 5 565 aw
2 Zoe Magnall U23 Vale of Aylesbury 25.39 4 541 aw
3 Rebecca Pedley U20 Huntingdonshire 12.98 3 311
Women's B Hammer
1 Brenda Russell W55 Vale of Aylesbury 18.15 5 419
2 Steph Vaatz W35 Serpentine 12.86 4 309
Women's A Javelin
1 Zoe Magnall U23 Vale of Aylesbury 22.97 5 609
2 Collette McGinn SW West Norfolk/Diss 17.36 4 493
3 Mary Davies W35 Serpentine 16.89 3 482
4 Penny Butcher W50 Huntingdonshire 15.06 2 437
Women's B Javelin
1 Nicky Neill SW West Norfolk/Diss 12.19 5 355
2 Brenda Russell W55 Vale of Aylesbury 11.12 4 320
3 Siobhan Skinner SW Huntingdonshire 7.86 3 175
4 Steph Vaatz W35 Serpentine 6.70 2 78
Women's 4x100m
1 Huntingdonshire SW Huntingdonshire 53.9 5 454
2 Vale of Aylesbury SW Vale of Aylesbury 57.3 4 306
3 West Norfolk/Diss SW West Norfolk/Diss 62.1 3 138
4 Serpentine SW Serpentine 63.7 2 95
Women's 4x400m
1 West Norfolk/Diss SW West Norfolk/Diss 4:31.6 5 409
2 Huntingdonshire SW Huntingdonshire 4:31.9 4 406
3 Serpentine SW Serpentine 4:48.8 3 283
4 Vale of Aylesbury SW Vale of Aylesbury 5:19.5 2 108
Men Non-scoring events
Event Pos Name Cat Club Perf. Wind aw
100 Ben Thackray U17 Huntingdonshire 13.1
200 Alex Knox-Hooke U20 Huntingdonshire 25.2
100 Luke Amos U17 Huntingdonshire 60.5
AJ Ellwood U17 Huntingdonshire
3000 Lee Brooks SM Huntingdonshire 9:56.7
3000 Dave Connell SM Huntingdonshire 9:55.8
3000 Alex Tindall SM Huntingdonshire 10:30.4
3000 Ian Day M40 Huntingdonshire 10:22.2
Alex Young SM Huntingdonshire
SP Bob Ellingham M45 Huntingdonshire 35.64 aw
100 Fred Williams U17 Huntingdonshire 11.9 aw
LJ Nick Gurney M40 Vale of Aylesbury 0
SP Nick Gurney M40 Vale of Aylesbury 7.30
100 Nick Gurney M40 Vale of Aylesbury
JT Nick Gurney M40 Vale of Aylesbury 16.76
JT TJ Bartley U20 Vale of Aylesbury 36.24 aw
3000 Richard Taylor SM Serpentine 10:59.9
3000 Christopher Abele SM Serpentine 12:05.6
100 Hakeem Duckworth-Porter U20 Huntingdonshire 12.1
LJ Luke Amos U17 Huntingdonshire 4.36
200 Hakeem Duckworth-Porter U17 Huntingdonshire
1500 Daniel De Palol SM Serpentine 4:30.9
1500 John Uff SM Huntingdonshire 4:48.9
200 Hakeem Duckworth-Porter U20 Huntingdonshire 24.5
1500 Dave Connell SM Huntingdonshire 4:45.2
1500 Lee Brooks SM Huntingdonshire 4:53.8
Women Non-scoring events
Event Pos Name Cat Club Perf. Wind aw
800 Siobhan Skinner SW Huntingdonshire 2:42.8
Dani Hazelden U17 Huntingdonshire
Lauri Watt U20 Huntingdonshire
Man of the Match Awards
Hammer 1 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 55 880
Shot 1 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 13.28 808
Discus 1 Jonathan Edwards SM Huntingdonshire 42.46 798
400m 1 Tom Johnson U20 Huntingdonshire 49.7 781
100m 1 Ryan Palmer U20 Huntingdonshire 11.0 769
Hammer 1 Neil Bulman SM Huntingdonshire 42.46 742
Discus 1 Zoe Magnall U23 Vale of Aylesbury 30.64 740
Shot 1 Zoe Magnall U23 Vale of Aylesbury 9.79 708
3000m 1 Victoria Crawford SW Serpentine 10:18.0 707
100mH 1 Lauri Watt U20 Huntingdonshire 16 675
Triple Jump 1 Donelle Arulanandam U17 Vale of Aylesbury 10.40 653
High Jump 1 Laurel Phelan U17 Huntingdonshire 1.50 651