Sweatshop Southern Athletics League: Division 2 East - Round 5 - Bromley - 20 August 2016
Team Score
1 Blackheath & Bromley   262 B
2 Herts Phoenix   182.5 P
3 Ryston Runners   161.5 R
4 Cambridge & Coleridge   105 C
Men's A 100m Wind= -1.2
1 Eden Davis U20 Herts Phoenix 11.33 4 665 aw 3351654
2 Michael Damoah U17 Blackheath & Bromley 11.59 3 590 aw 3503217
3 Steven Green SM Cambridge & Coleridge 11.99 2 485 2721070
4 Quinton Houston U20 Ryston Runners 12.14 1 449 3515405
Men's B 100m Wind= -1.2
1 Anwar Bouilouta U17 Ryston Runners 12.48 4 373 3504800
2 Lewis Stickings U17 Blackheath & Bromley 13.06 3 263 3091483
3 Beck Grover U20 Herts Phoenix 14.18 2 112 3141113
Men's A 200m Wind= +1.9
1 Eden Davis U20 Herts Phoenix 22.22 4 774 aw 3351654
2 Shaun Cooke SM Blackheath & Bromley 22.95 3 664 aw 2913888
3 Steven Green SM Cambridge & Coleridge 23.21 2 628 aw 2721070
4 Daniel Yellop SM Ryston Runners 23.95 1 530 2781846
Men's B 200m Wind= +1.9
1 Michael Damoah U17 Blackheath & Bromley 23.45 4 595 aw 3503217
2 Quinton Houston U20 Ryston Runners 24.78 3 431 3515405
3 Ben Lloyd U17 Herts Phoenix 24.90 2 418 3282861
Men's A 400m
1 Luke Smallwood SM Blackheath & Bromley 50.18 4 752 aw 2751246
2 Steven Green SM Cambridge & Coleridge 52.29 3 632 aw 2721070
3 Eden Davis U20 Herts Phoenix 52.94 2 597 aw 3351564
4 Che Plant SM Ryston Runners 57.99 1 366 2991074
Men's B 400m
1 Ben Lloyd U17 Herts Phoenix 53.54 4 566 aw 3282861
2 Aleksander Wiltshire U20 Blackheath & Bromley 56.09 3 445 3237799
3 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 59.96 2 293 2685509
4 Jonathan Escalante-Phillips SM Cambridge & Coleridge 63.52 1 184 2952594
Men's A 800m
1 Beck Grover U20 Herts Phoenix 1:57.67 4 764 aw 3141113
2 Jonathan Escalante-Phillips SM Cambridge & Coleridge 2:02.24 3 646 aw 2952594
3 Shaun Cooke SM Blackheath & Bromley 2:03.60 2 612 aw 2913888
4 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 2:13.17 1 408 2685509
Men's B 800m
1 Adam Hughes U17 Herts Phoenix 2:05.75 4 561 aw 3459753
2 Charlie Davis U20 Blackheath & Bromley 2:06.26 3 550 2984951
3 Adam Matthews SM Ryston Runners 2:15.86 2 360 3238857
4 Brian Kotelo U20 Cambridge & Coleridge 2:17.98 1 325 3527555
Men's A 1500m
1 Jamie Philpott U20 Herts Phoenix 4:13.35 4 634 aw 2968941
2 Jonathan Escalante-Phillips SM Cambridge & Coleridge 4:16.37 3 603 aw 2952594
3 Lewis Mills U17 Blackheath & Bromley 4:17.46 2 591 aw 3442383
4 Malcolm Tuff M50 Ryston Runners 4:40.80 1 380 aw 2781837
Men's B 1500m
1 Harry Pateman U23 Herts Phoenix 4:16.56 4 600 aw 3517138
2 Dan Kennedy SM Blackheath & Bromley 4:19.52 3 571 aw 3034530
3 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 4:59.83 2 248 2685509
4 Brian Kotelo U20 Cambridge & Coleridge 5:11:11 1 0 3527555
Men's A 5000m
1 Jonathan Escalante-Phillips SM Cambridge & Coleridge 15:54.09 4 658 aw 2952594
2 Peter Tucker SM Blackheath & Bromley 16:04.91 3 628 aw 2903829
3 Adam Matthews SM Ryston Runners 16:55.68 2 498 3238857
4 Nick Doyle U23 Herts Phoenix 18:26.25 1 302 2780992
Men's B 5000m
1 Andy Rayner SM Blackheath & Bromley 16:27.60 4 568 aw 2745953
2 Malcolm Tuff M50 Ryston Runners 17:19.21 3 443 aw 2781837
3 Joe Gaynor SM Herts Phoenix 19:55.49 2 154 2694984
Men's A 110mH Wind= +0.2
1 Mark Cryer SM Blackheath & Bromley 15.14 4 839 aw 2751182
2 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 20.40 3 343 0
3 Joe Gaynor SM Herts Phoenix 23.27 2 162 2694984
Men's B 110mH Wind= +0.2
1 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 21.22 4 285 2685509
2 David Stephens SM Herts Phoenix 23.31 3 160 2676362
3 Lewis Ely SM Blackheath & Bromley 23.44 2 153 2811249
Men's A 400mH
1 Luke Smallwood SM Blackheath & Bromley 57.09 4 772 aw 2751246
2 David Stephens SM Herts Phoenix 63.45 3 570 2676362
3 Istvan Jacso SM Cambridge & Coleridge 63.90 2 556 3090091
4 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 64.62 1 536 0
Men's B 400mH
1 Coleman Corry U17 Blackheath & Bromley 61.21 4 637 3289399
2 Che Plant SM Ryston Runners 66.01 3 496 2991074
3 Joe Gaynor SM Herts Phoenix 73.59 2 308 2694984
Men's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Peter Townsend SM Herts Phoenix 6:30.13 4 734 2695078
2 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 6:54.32 3 599 0
3 Charlie Davis U20 Blackheath & Bromley 7:01.03 2 564 aw 2984951
Men's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 Adam Hughes U17 Herts Phoenix 7:05.51 4 541 3459753
2 Che Plant SM Ryston Runners 7:08.09 3 528 2991074
Men's A High Jump
1 Lewis Ely SM Blackheath & Bromley 1.85 4 712 aw 2811249
2 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 1.70 3 589 2685509
3 Sam Richards SM Cambridge & Coleridge 1.60 2 506 2746520
4 David Stephens SM Herts Phoenix 1.10 1 87 2676362
Men's B High Jump
1 Quinton Houston U20 Ryston Runners 1.65 4 547 3515405
2 Coleman Corry U17 Blackheath & Bromley 1.55 3 465 3289399
3 Joe Gaynor SM Herts Phoenix 1.10 2 87 2694984
Men's A Pole Vault
1 Scott Huggins SM Blackheath & Bromley 4.85 4 920 aw 2679907
2 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 3.30 3 575 aw 0
3 Eliot Breen U17 Herts Phoenix 3.10 2 529 aw 2960170
Men's B Pole Vault
1 Allan Williams M55 Blackheath & Bromley 3.30 4 575 aw 2746173
2= David Stephens SM Herts Phoenix 2.10 2.5 294 2676362
2= Ian Hogarth SM Ryston Runners 2.10 2.5 294 2781901
Men's A Long Jump Wind
1 Mark Cryer SM Blackheath & Bromley 6.92 4   829 aw 2751182
2 Sam Richards SM Cambridge & Coleridge 6.86 3   817 aw 2746520
3 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 5.66 2   582 2685509
4 Ian Tobin SM Herts Phoenix 5.56 1   562 2695077
Men's B Long Jump Wind
1 Sam Bobb SM Blackheath & Bromley 6.13 4   673 aw 2793447
2 David Stephens SM Herts Phoenix 5.17 3   487 2676362
3 Quinton Houston U20 Ryston Runners 4.59 2   376 3515405
Men's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Sam Bobb SM Blackheath & Bromley 13.65 4   815 aw 2793447
2 Sam Richards SM Cambridge & Coleridge 12.54 3   705 aw 2746520
3 Anwar Bouilouta U17 Ryston Runners 11.99 2   650 aw 3504800
4 Ian Tobin SM Herts Phoenix 10.82 1   526 2695077
Men's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Patrick Aputanku SM Blackheath & Bromley 12.82 4   733 aw 3261498
2 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 11.04 3   550 2685509
3 David Stephens SM Herts Phoenix 9.51 2   378 2676362
Men's A Shot Putt
1 Steve Timmins SM Blackheath & Bromley 12.31 4 715 aw 3013751
2 Jason Kingwell M45 Herts Phoenix 11.36 3 653 aw 2660886
3 Aedan Slack U20 Cambridge & Coleridge 11.31 2 650 aw 3386456
4 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 9.62 1 530 0
Men's B Shot Putt
1 Alex Pope SM Blackheath & Bromley 12.15 4 705 aw 2745930
2 Gary Parsons M45 Cambridge & Coleridge 10.45 3 590 aw 2685914
3 James Grove SM Herts Phoenix 8.22 2 418 2978242
4 Gareth Hunt SM Ryston Runners 6.60 1 265 2685509
Men's A Discus
1 Alex Pope SM Blackheath & Bromley 37.93 4 684 aw 2745930
2 Aedan Slack U20 Cambridge & Coleridge 35.47 3 646 aw 3386456
3 Jason Kingwell M45 Herts Phoenix 32.60 2 600 aw 2660886
4 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 31.20 1 576 aw 0
Men's B Discus
1 Steve Timmins SM Blackheath & Bromley 37.08 4 671 aw 3013751
2 Gary Parsons M45 Cambridge & Coleridge 31.80 3 586 aw 2685914
3 James Grove SM Herts Phoenix 31.61 2 583 aw 2978242
4 Anwar Bouilouta U17 Ryston Runners 23.63 1 436 aw 3504800
Men's A Hammer
1 Steve Timmins SM Blackheath & Bromley 43.18 4 683 aw 3013751
2 Jason Kingwell M45 Herts Phoenix 41.00 3 659 aw 2660886
3 Aedan Slack U20 Cambridge & Coleridge 37.94 2 625 aw 3386456
4 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 30.66 1 537 aw 0
Men's B Hammer
1 Gary Parsons M45 Cambridge & Coleridge 33.65 4 574 aw 2685914
2 James Grove SM Herts Phoenix 32.86 3 565 aw 2978242
3 Alex Pope SM Blackheath & Bromley 30.61 2 536 aw 2745930
4 Che Plant SM Ryston Runners 11.84 1 211 2991074
Men's A Javelin
1 Robert Simmonds SM Ryston Runners 45.96 4 672 aw 0
2 Sam Markey U17 Cambridge & Coleridge 42.49 3 625 aw 3527557
3 Alex Pope SM Blackheath & Bromley 42.28 2 622 aw 2745930
4 Jason Kingwell M45 Herts Phoenix 29.94 1 443 2660886
Men's B Javelin
1 Steve Timmins SM Blackheath & Bromley 38.28 4 567 aw 3013751
2 Aedan Slack U20 Cambridge & Coleridge 33.45 3 497 3386456
3 Quinton Houston U20 Ryston Runners 27.82 2 409 3515405
4 James Grove SM Herts Phoenix 25.80 1 376 2978242
Men's 4x100m
1 Blackheath & Bromley SM   46.45 4 379
2 Cambridge & Coleridge SM   48.00 3 276
3 Herts Phoenix SM   48.16 2 267
4 Ryston Runners SM   53.13 1 57
Men's 4x400m
1 Herts Phoenix SM   3:36.97 4 438
2 Blackheath & Bromley SM   3:41.57 3 375
3 Ryston Runners SM   4:07.94 2 113
Women's A 100m Wind= +2.2
1 Immanuela Aliu U17 Blackheath & Bromley 12.04 4 861 aw 3216105
2 Sophie Segun U20 Herts Phoenix 12.67 3 715 aw 3181127
3 Holly Chen U17 Ryston Runners 13.58 2 531 3515406
4 Anne Moindrot SW Cambridge & Coleridge 14.70 1 348 2828378
Women's B 100m Wind= +2.2
1 Isio Orogun U20 Blackheath & Bromley 12.31 4 796 aw 2979694
2 Lauren Thompson SW Herts Phoenix 13.16 3 612 aw 2814180
3 Becca Frake SW Cambridge & Coleridge 15.24 2 276 0
4 Gabrielle Clare U17 Ryston Runners 15.64 1 229 3422467
Women's A 200m Wind= -3.8
1 Immanuela Aliu U17 Blackheath & Bromley 24.92 4 820 aw 3216105
2 Emily Wood U20 Herts Phoenix 27.07 3 601 aw 3014718
3 Suzie Reid SW Cambridge & Coleridge 29.12 2 430 2832389
4 Caitlin Harris-Doy  U17 Ryston Runners 32.64 1 216 3575414
Women's B 200m Wind= -3.8
1 Rachel Dickens SW Blackheath & Bromley 25.03 4 808 aw 2745495
2 Sophie Segun U20 Herts Phoenix 28.34 3 491 3181127
3 Katy Hedgethorne SW Cambridge & Coleridge 32.15 2 240 3191087
4 Gaye Clarke W55 Ryston Runners 33.34 1 184 2781883
Women's A 400m
1 Krystal Galley SW Blackheath & Bromley 57.20 4 793 aw 2745562
2 Ellie Bandy U20 Herts Phoenix 59.95 3 683 aw 2814377
3 Suzie Reid SW Cambridge & Coleridge 64.61 2 517 2832389
4 Lorena Latisaite SW Ryston Runners 69.19 1 378 3281738
Women's B 400m
1 Megan Walsh U17 Blackheath & Bromley 59.03 4 719 aw 3288280
2 Rebecca Tuff SW Ryston Runners 82.45 3 104 2781838
Women's A 800m
1 Niamh Bridson-Hubbard U20 Blackheath & Bromley 2:12.34 4 854 aw 2984956
2 Suzie Reid SW Cambridge & Coleridge 2:20.02 3 720 aw 2832389
3 Annie Rooks U20 Ryston Runners 2:37.08 2 464 3021960
4 Hannah Booth U20 Herts Phoenix 2:39.80 1 429 3080506
Women's B 800m
1 Danielle Critchley SW Blackheath & Bromley 2:19.89 4 721 aw 2745450
2 Claire Somerton SW Cambridge & Coleridge 2:24.50 3 647 aw 3219747
3 Kelly De-Gol W35 Ryston Runners 2:37.43 2 460 3236541
4 Ella Taylor U17 Herts Phoenix 2:47.55 1 336 3402300
Women's A 1500m
1 Niamh Bridson-Hubbard U20 Blackheath & Bromley 4:33.11 4 841 aw 2984956
2 Claire Somerton SW Cambridge & Coleridge 4:48.56 3 714 aw 3219747
3 Annie Rooks U20 Ryston Runners 5:19.27 2 494 3021960
4 Ella Taylor U17 Herts Phoenix 6:02.62 1 252 3402300
Women's B 1500m
1 Jessica Keene U20 Blackheath & Bromley 4:38.45 4 797 aw 2998559
2 Becca Frake SW Cambridge & Coleridge 4:57.45 3 647 aw 0
3 Kelly De-Gol W35 Ryston Runners 5:47.49 2 328 3236541
Women's A 3000m
1 Katy Hedgethorne SW Cambridge & Coleridge 10:33.23 4 686 aw 3191087
2 Kate Curran SW Blackheath & Bromley 10:39.26 3 664 aw 0
3 Lorena Latisaite SW Ryston Runners 11:40.53 2 464 3281738
4 Hannah Booth U20 Herts Phoenix 13:17.87 1 218 3080506
Women's B 3000m
1 Amy Leach U17 Blackheath & Bromley 11:01.90 4 586 aw 3269380
2 Joan Lasenby W55 Cambridge & Coleridge 12:10.52 3 379 aw 2746434
3 Kelly De-Gol W35 Ryston Runners 12:21.47 2 350 3236541
Women's A 100mH Wind= -3.4
1 Anastasia Davies U20 Blackheath & Bromley 14.48 4 864 aw 3266833
2 Lauren Thompson SW Herts Phoenix 15.42 3 766 aw 2814180
3 Naomi Darkins U17 Ryston Runners 20.80 2 310 3515404
Women's B 100mH Wind= -3.4
1 Isabella Hilditch U20 Blackheath & Bromley 14.87 4 823 aw 3013747
2 Abigail Griffiths SW Herts Phoenix 20.67 3 319 2811921
3 Gabrielle Clare U17 Ryston Runners 21.76 2 248 3422467
Women's A 400mH
1 Lauren Thompson SW Herts Phoenix 64.16 4 801 aw 2814180
2 Yasmin Austridge U17 Blackheath & Bromley 64.47 3 792 aw 3084405
3 Lorena Latisaite SW Ryston Runners 79.74 2 404 3281738
Women's B 400mH
1 Grace Scopes U17 Blackheath & Bromley 84.14 4 312 3135995
2 Rebecca Tuff SW Ryston Runners 92.97 3 157 2781838
Women's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Carlotta Weitzel U17 Blackheath & Bromley 7:51.17 4 584 aw 3359239
2 Lorena Latisaite SW Ryston Runners 8:25.71 3 445 aw 3281738
3 Elizabeth Parry SW Herts Phoenix 8:45.73 2 373 aw 0
4 Joan Lasenby W55 Cambridge & Coleridge 9:18.57 1 270 2746434
Women's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 Grace Scopes U17 Blackheath & Bromley 8:31.65 4 423 aw 3135995
2 Laura Allen SW Ryston Runners 12:29.02 3 0 2792376
Women's A High Jump
1 Lauren Thompson SW Herts Phoenix 1.55 4 692 aw 2814180
2 Antonia Alapafuga U17 Blackheath & Bromley 1.50 3 638 aw 3256925
3 Naomi Darkins U17 Ryston Runners 1.35 2 478 3515404
Women's B High Jump
1 Jamiyla Robinson-Pascal U20 Blackheath & Bromley 1.50 4 638 aw 3035259
2 Abigail Griffiths SW Herts Phoenix 1.45 3 585 2811921
3 Caitlin Harris-Doy  U17 Ryston Runners 1.30 2 424 3575414
Women's A Pole Vault
1 Erin Breen U20 Herts Phoenix 3.00 4 668 aw 2814420
2 Sonia Woolhouse U20 Blackheath & Bromley 2.40 3 506 aw 2799618
3 Naomi Darkins U17 Ryston Runners 1.90 2 364 3515404
Women's B Pole Vault
1 Imogen Walker U17 Herts Phoenix 2.70 4 588 aw 2965558
2 Kelly De-Gol W35 Ryston Runners 1.60 3 276 3236541
Women's A Long Jump Wind
1 Anastasia Davies U20 Blackheath & Bromley 5.46 4   803 aw 3266833
2 Lauren Thompson SW Herts Phoenix 5.36 3   779 aw 2814180
3 Holly Chen U17 Ryston Runners 4.61 2   600 aw 3515406
4 Anne Moindrot SW Cambridge & Coleridge 4.05 1   469 2828378
Women's B Long Jump Wind
1 Jamiyla Robinson-Pascal U20 Blackheath & Bromley 5.23 4   748 aw 3035259
2 Sophie Segun U20 Herts Phoenix 4.62 3   603 3181127
3 Gabrielle Clare U17 Ryston Runners 3.69 2   386 3422467
Women's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Anastasia Davies U20 Blackheath & Bromley 12.00 4   861 aw 3266833
2 Abigail Griffiths SW Herts Phoenix 10.32 3   677 aw 2811921
3 Holly Chen U17 Ryston Runners 9.77 2   615 aw 3515406
4 Anne Moindrot SW Cambridge & Coleridge 9.45 1   579 2828378
Women's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Nicole Farmer U17 Blackheath & Bromley 10.34 4   679 aw 3017005
2 Ellie Bandy U20 Herts Phoenix 9.60 3   596 aw 2814377
3 Caitlin Harris-Doy  U17 Ryston Runners 9.20 2   550 aw 3575414
Women's A Shot Putt
1 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 13.33 4 892 aw 2745352
2 Sophie Segun U20 Herts Phoenix 8.84 3 607 aw 3181127
3 Anne Moindrot SW Cambridge & Coleridge 7.70 2 521 2828378
4 Lorena Latisaite SW Ryston Runners 7.17 1 479 3281738
Women's B Shot Putt
1 Eve Keith U17 Blackheath & Bromley 9.04 4 622 aw 3278231
2 Rebecca Tuff SW Ryston Runners 6.66 3 435 2781838
3 Megan Breen U20 Herts Phoenix 6.23 2 396 2811903
Women's A Discus
1 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 45.37 4 869 aw 2745352
2 Laura Allen SW Ryston Runners 20.88 3 518 2792376
3 Anne Moindrot SW Cambridge & Coleridge 19.78 2 496 2828378
4 Eleanor Moss U20 Herts Phoenix 18.86 1 477 2940804
Women's B Discus
1 Eve Keith U17 Blackheath & Bromley 34.08 4 730 aw 3278231
2 Rebecca Tuff SW Ryston Runners 19.84 3 497 2781838
3 Imogen Walker U17 Herts Phoenix 15.80 2 406 2965558
4 Joan Lasenby W55 Cambridge & Coleridge 12.90 1 324 2746434
Women's A Hammer
1 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 56.88 4 919 aw 2745352
2 Gaye Clarke W55 Ryston Runners 26.58 3 554 aw 2781883
3 Megan Breen U20 Herts Phoenix 22.58 2 491 2811903
4 Anne Moindrot SW Cambridge & Coleridge 15.19 1 357 2828378
Women's B Hammer
1 Victoria Wiltshire U17 Blackheath & Bromley 42.18 4 759 aw 3295630
2 Laura Allen SW Ryston Runners 19.55 3 440 2792376
3 Eleanor Moss U20 Herts Phoenix 18.18 2 415 2940804
4 Joan Lasenby W55 Cambridge & Coleridge 11.82 1 280 2746434
Women's A Javelin
1 Eleanor Moss U20 Herts Phoenix 30.74 4 683 aw 2940804
2 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 23.05 3 562 2745352
3 Kelly De-Gol W35 Ryston Runners 20.40 2 514 3236541
Women's B Javelin
1 Sarah McLellan SW Blackheath & Bromley 22.48 4 552 2745796
2 Annie Rooks U20 Ryston Runners 19.75 3 502 3021960
3 Emily Wood U20 Herts Phoenix 10.38 2 270 3014718
Women's 4x100m
1 Blackheath & Bromley SW   49.2 4 696 aw
2 Herts Phoenix SW   50.4 3 630 aw
3 Ryston Runners SW   57.31 2 305
4 Cambridge & Coleridge SW   60.12 1 201
Women's 4x400m
1 Blackheath & Bromley SW   3:57.81 4 709 aw
2 Herts Phoenix SW   4:26.94 3 446
3 Cambridge & Coleridge SW   4:30.68 2 416
4 Ryston Runners SW   5:12.42 1 143
Men Non-scoring events
Event Pos Name Cat Club Perf. Wind aw URN
200 3 Lewis Stickings U17 Blackheath & Bromley 27.22 +1.8 3091483
200 2 Tim Ayres SM Blackheath & Bromley 26.82 +1.8 2678737
200 1 Mark Oddy SM Herts Phoenix 26.20 +1.8
1500 6 Callum Myatt U17 Blackheath & Bromley 4:31.30 aw 3290005
JT 8 Istvan Jacos SM Cambridge & Coleridge 26.03
PV 5 Lewis Stickings U17 Blackheath & Bromley 3.10 aw 3091483
PV 2 George Pope U17 Blackheath & Bromley 3.55 aw 3153499
SP 6 Sam Woodley U17 Herts Phoenix 10.03 aw 3535980
Women Non-scoring events
EVENT Pos Name CAT Club Perf. Wind aw URN
200 1 Rachel Yeldham U20 Blackheath & Bromley 28.52 +1.8 3264969
400 4 Yasmin Austridge U17 Blackheath & Bromley 61.94 aw 3084405
800 4 Grace Scopes U17 Blackheath & Bromley 2:20.66 aw 3135995
800 6 Stephanie Taylor U17 Blackheath & Bromley 2:29.21 aw 3282434
800 7 Samantha Leighton U20 Blackheath & Bromley 2:31.93 2905263
1500 4 Amber Reed SW Blackheath & Bromley 4:54.52 aw 2817769
1500 6 Millie Smith U17 Blackheath & Bromley 5:05.93 aw 3271223
3000 7 Jenny Tomei SW Blackheath & Bromley 12:57.54 3596812
400 Georgia McKenzie U17 Herts Phoenix 62.89 aw 2989642
1500 Georgia McKenzie U17 Herts Phoenix 5:38.70 2989642
400HW Georgia McKenzie U17 Herts Phoenix 87.81 2989642
2000SCW Georgia McKenzie U17 Herts Phoenix 9:31.41 2989642
Man of the Match Awards
Pole Vault 1 Scott Huggins SM Blackheath & Bromley 4.85 920
110mH 1 Mark Cryer SM Blackheath & Bromley 15.14 839
Long Jump 1 Mark Cryer SM Blackheath & Bromley 6.92 829
Long Jump 2 Sam Richards SM Cambridge & Coleridge 6.86 817
Triple Jump 1 Sam Bobb SM Blackheath & Bromley 13.65 815
200m 1 Eden Davis U20 Herts Phoenix 22.22 774
Hammer 1 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 56.88 919
Shot 1 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 13.33 892
Discus 1 Shaunagh Brown SW Blackheath & Bromley 45.37 869
100mH 1 Anastasia Davies U20 Blackheath & Bromley 14.48 864
100m 1 Immanuela Aliu U17 Blackheath & Bromley 12.04 861
Triple Jump 1 Anastasia Davies U20 Blackheath & Bromley 12.00 861