Sweatshop Southern Athletics League: Div 3 SE - Round 3 - Kingston - 17 June 2017
Team Score
1 Epsom & Ewell   262 W
2 Hastings AC   191.5 G
3 Sutton & District AC   141.5 U
4 Medway Park Phoenix   25 M
Men's A 100m Wind=  
1 Kaylen Francis U20 Sutton & District AC 11.1 4 736 aw 3491777
2 Spencer Gall U17 Epsom & Ewell 11.7 3 560 aw 3602968
3 Alexander Cowley U20 Hastings AC 12.0 2 482 3579301
Men's B 100m Wind=  
1 Daniel Ogun SM Sutton & District AC 11.4 4 644 aw 3417787
2 Ben Crouch SM Epsom & Ewell 12.1 3 458 3632183
3 Terry Puxty SM Hastings AC 14.8 2 60 3558875
Men's A 200m Wind=  
1 Kaylen Francis U20 Sutton & District AC 22.5 4 731 aw 3491777
2 Adam Coates U17 Epsom & Ewell 24.0 3 523 aw 3271262
3 Alexander Cowley U20 Hastings AC 25.4 2 365 3579301
Men's B 200m Wind=  
1 Ethan Wood SM Sutton & District AC 23.4 4 602 aw 3093523
2 Spencer Gall U17 Epsom & Ewell 24.7 3 440 3602968
3 Terry Puxty SM Hastings AC 29.5 2 78 3558875
Men's A 400m
1 Matt Dyer U17 Epsom & Ewell 52.8 4 605 aw 3432520
2 Yasser Qureshi U20 Sutton & District AC 53.2 3 584 aw 3273714
3 Dylan Bolton U17 Hastings AC 57.9 2 369 3275851
Men's B 400m
1 Daniel Wolff SM Epsom & Ewell 55.0 4 495 3491510
2 Kieron Booker SM Hastings AC 61.0 3 258 3628283
Men's A 800m
1 Joe Body U20 Hastings AC 2:01.2 4 671 aw 3135840
2 Daniel Wolff SM Epsom & Ewell 2:02.4 3 641 aw 3491510
Men's B 800m
1 David Halloway SM Epsom & Ewell 2:10.6 4 458 3525538
2 Ryan Morrissy U17 Hastings AC 2:15.7 3 363 3294104
Men's A 1500m
1 Joe Body U20 Hastings AC 4:34.7 4 430 3135840
2 Alex Gurteen U20 Epsom & Ewell 4:48.7 3 321 2995378
3 Ben Gilham U17 Sutton & District AC 5:06.9 2 207  
Men's B 1500m
1 Dylan Bolton U17 Hastings AC 4:46.9 4 334 3275851
2 Matthew Houghton U20 Epsom & Ewell 5:01.3 3 239 3237691
Men's A 5000m
1 Gary Foster SM Hastings AC 15:46.9 4 678 aw 3348049
2 Olllie Garrod SM Epsom & Ewell 16:09.5 3 616 aw 2808494
3 Anthony Webb M40 Medway Park Phoenix 16:18.3 2 593 aw 3669908
Men's B 5000m
1 Rhys Boorman SM Hastings AC 16:28.8 4 565 aw 3558796
2 Phil Mackie SM Epsom & Ewell 17:05.1 3 476 3491502
Men's A 110mH Wind=  
1 Carel Du Plessis SM Epsom & Ewell 20.9 4 307 3225475
2 Ryan Morrissy U17 Hastings AC 23.4 3 155 3294104
3 Thomas Keenan SM Sutton & District AC 23.7 2 140 3389122
Men's B 110mH Wind=  
1 Phil Mackie SM Epsom & Ewell 20.9 4 307 3491502
Men's A 400mH
1 Carel Du Plessis SM Epsom & Ewell 70.8 4 372 3225475
2 Thomas Keenan SM Sutton & District AC 79.7 3 187 3389122
Men's B 400mH
1 Matthew Houghton U20 Epsom & Ewell 85.1 4 104 3237691
Men's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Alex Hawkins SM Epsom & Ewell 7:01.5 4 561 2808495
2 Rhys Boorman SM Hastings AC 7:03.7 3 550 3558796
3 Thomas Keenan SM Sutton & District AC 7:58.7 2 310 3389122
Men's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 Daniel Roffey U17 Epsom & Ewell 7:48.2 4 350 3449186
2 Terry Puxty SM Hastings AC 9:18.1 3 89 3558875
3 Alex Marsh SM Sutton & District AC 9:55.1 2 33 3289671
Men's A High Jump
1 Jake Field SM Sutton & District AC 1.95 4 794 aw 2942482
2 Daniel Roffey U17 Epsom & Ewell 1.80 3 671 aw 3449186
3 Alexander Cowley U20 Hastings AC 1.60 2 506 3579301
Men's B High Jump
1 Sid Walters SM Sutton & District AC 1.90 4 753 aw 2910559
2 Adam Coates U17 Epsom & Ewell 1.65 3 547 aw 3271262
3 Rhys Boorman SM Hastings AC 1.45 2 382 3558796
Men's A Pole Vault
1 Jamie Fitzgerald SM Sutton & District AC 2.80 3.5 460 3491775
2 David Blunt M60 Epsom & Ewell 2.80 3.5 460 aw 2724122
3 Wayne Martin M55 Hastings AC 2.60 2 413 aw 2759356
Men's B Pole Vault
Men's A Long Jump Wind
1 Jeremiah Nampuma SM Sutton & District AC 6.56 4   758 aw 3241805
2 Adam Coates U17 Epsom & Ewell 6.10 3   667 aw 3271262
3 Ryan Morrissy U17 Hastings AC 4.27 2   315 3294104
Men's B Long Jump Wind
1 Daniel Ogun SM Sutton & District AC 6.56 4   758 aw 3417787
2 Mathew Pullan SM Epsom & Ewell 5.48 3   547 3036549
3 Gary Foster SM Hastings AC 3.31 2   138 3348049
Men's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Mathew Pullan SM Epsom & Ewell 12.53 4   704 aw 3036549
2 Alexander Cowley U20 Hastings AC 11.32 3   580 3579301
Men's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Joe Body U20 Hastings AC 10.43 4   484 3135840
2 David Blunt M60 Epsom & Ewell 9.39 3   364 aw 2724122
Men's A Shot Putt
1 Ian Frankish SM Epsom & Ewell 12.19 4 708 aw 2678025
2 Nile Cook SM Sutton & District AC 10.11 3 566 aw 3275649
3 Cameron Cooper U20 Hastings AC 8.25 2 421 3582661
4 Sean Longworth-Smith SM Medway Park Phoenix 6.98 1 304 3575213
Men's B Shot Putt
1 Wayne Martin M55 Hastings AC 7.67 4 370 2759356
2 Jake Field SM Sutton & District AC 7.65 3 368 2942482
3 David Howell M45 Epsom & Ewell 5.93 2 185 3380968
Men's A Discus
1 Nile Cook SM Sutton & District AC 33.94 4 622 aw 3275649
2 Ian Frankish SM Epsom & Ewell 30.56 3 565 aw 2678025
3 Cameron Cooper U20 Hastings AC 27.09 2 503 aw 3582661
Men's B Discus
1 Chris Smale M50 Sutton & District AC 27.80 4 516 3033959
2 Wayne Martin M55 Hastings AC 19.32 3 340 2759356
3 David Howell M45 Epsom & Ewell 15.90 2 248 3380968
Men's A Hammer
1 Ian Frankish SM Epsom & Ewell 38.31 4 629 aw 2678025
2 Chris Smale M50 Sutton & District AC 34.30 3 582 aw 3033959
3 Wayne Martin M55 Hastings AC 23.56 2 438 2759356
Men's B Hammer
1 Cameron Cooper U20 Hastings AC 17.27 4 332 3582661
2 David Howell M45 Epsom & Ewell 15.56 3 298 3380968
3 William Ofei-Kwatia M50 Sutton & District AC 13.40 2 251 3278906
Men's A Javelin
1 Ian Frankish SM Epsom & Ewell 35.55 4 528 2678025
2 Sean Longworth-Smith SM Medway Park Phoenix 32.64 3 484 3575213
3 Cameron Cooper U20 Hastings AC 24.89 2 360 3582661
4 Thomas Keenan SM Sutton & District AC 17.59 1 224 3389122
Men's B Javelin
1 Alex Hawkins SM Epsom & Ewell 32.18 4 477 2808495
2 William Ofei-Kwatia M50 Sutton & District AC 12.51 3 102 3278906
Men's 4x100m
1 Epsom & Ewell SM   47.2 4 327
2 Hastings AC SM   51.2 3 118
Men's 4x400m
1 Epsom & Ewell SM   3:46.6 4 312
2 Hastings AC SM   3:56.0 3 211
Women's A 100m Wind=  
1 Rosa Pitt U20 Hastings AC 12.9 4 665 aw 3187465
2 Steph Crouch SW Epsom & Ewell 13.2 3 604 aw 3632184
3 Ella Cunnell U17 Sutton & District AC 13.8 2 492 3093536
Women's B 100m Wind=  
1 Katy Rowe U17 Epsom & Ewell 13.5 4 546 3286008
2 Rhianna Levy U17 Sutton & District AC 14.0 3 457  
3 Zoe Hammond U17 Hastings AC 14.0 2 457 3268263
Women's A 200m Wind=  
1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 25.1 4 800 aw 2759350
2 Steph Crouch SW Epsom & Ewell 27.7 3 545 3632184
3 Ella Cunnell U17 Sutton & District AC 29.2 2 424 3093536
Women's B 200m Wind=  
1 Rosa Pitt U20 Hastings AC 27.3 4 580 3187465
2 Katrina Fidler SW Epsom & Ewell 28.0 3 519 2724146
3 Yasmin Henlon SW Sutton & District AC 30.1 2 361 3144642
Women's A 400m
1 Katrina Fidler SW Epsom & Ewell 64.5 4 520 2724146
2 Caitlin Millar SW Hastings AC 66.4 3 460 2794217
Women's B 400m
1 Lauren Flack U17 Epsom & Ewell 64.7 4 514 aw 3500258
2 Rosy Clements W40 Hastings AC 79.9 3 142 3385518
Women's A 800m
1 Naomi Lenane SW Epsom & Ewell 2:21.4 4 697 aw 2724177
2 Rosy Clements W40 Hastings AC 2:51.9 3 289 3385518
Women's B 800m
1 Isobel Stockley U17 Epsom & Ewell 2:23.9 4 656 aw 3462346
2 Becky Mabon W35 Hastings AC 3:02.8 3 188 3465517
Women's A 1500m
1 Riz Maslen W50 Hastings AC 5:27.4 4 443 aw 3558852
2 Lauren Flack U17 Epsom & Ewell 5:29.3 3 431 3500258
Women's B 1500m
1 Laura Howley U17 Epsom & Ewell 5:52.2 4 303 3007763
2 Becky Mabon W35 Hastings AC 6:48.3 3 85 3465517
Women's A 3000m
1 Stacey Clusker SW Hastings AC 10:38.8 4 666 aw 2759293
2 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 11:28.3 3 501 aw 2931099
Women's B 3000m
1 Riz Maslen W50 Hastings AC 11:32.6 4 488 aw 3558852
2 Morgan Morrisson U20 Epsom & Ewell 12:50.1 3 279 2974185
Women's A 100mH Wind=  
1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 14.7 4 841 aw 2759350
2 Emma Jardine U20 Epsom & Ewell 21.4 3 271 3024992
Women's B 100mH Wind=  
1 Katie Hartgrove SW Epsom & Ewell 29.6 4 0 2703037
Women's A 400mH
1 Emma Jardine U20 Epsom & Ewell 77.9 4 445 3024992
Women's B 400mH
1 Secoura Grim U20 Epsom & Ewell 74.4 4 528 aw 3286020
Women's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 8:00.5 4 545 2931099
2 Molly Gransden U20 Hastings AC 9:19.0 3 269 3010170
Women's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 Becky Mabon W35 Hastings AC 10:21.1 4 122 3465517
Women's A High Jump
1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 1.55 4 692 aw 2759350
2 Yasmin Henlon SW Sutton & District AC 1.50 3 638 aw 3144642
3 Lizzy Thompson SW Epsom & Ewell 1.45 2 585 2724216
Women's B High Jump
1 Amy McGrath U17 Sutton & District AC 1.35 4 478 3493638
2 Katie Hartgrove SW Epsom & Ewell 1.30 3 424 2703037
3 Jo Larkin W35 Hastings AC 0.90 2 2 2759345
Women's A Pole Vault
1 Jade Ive SW Sutton & District AC 3.90 4 902 aw 2709258
2 Sue Dassie W60 Epsom & Ewell 1.90 2.5 364 aw 2800442
3 Jo Larkin W35 Hastings AC 1.90 2.5 364 2759345
Women's B Pole Vault
1 Sophia Hepher U17 Sutton & District AC 2.30 4 478 aw 3491774
2 Katrina Fidler SW Epsom & Ewell 1.80 3 335 2724146
Women's A Long Jump Wind
1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 5.87 4   902 aw 2759350
2 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 5.15 3   729 aw 2931099
3 Rhianna Levy U17 Sutton & District AC 4.93 2   676 aw 0
4 Jessica Masters U20 Medway Park Phoenix 3.18 1   270 3289247
Women's B Long Jump Wind
1 Lizzy Thompson SW Epsom & Ewell 4.70 4   622 2724216
2 Amy McGrath U17 Sutton & District AC 4.06 3   471 3493638
3 Zoe Hammond U17 Hastings AC 3.88 2   430 3268263
4 Lucy Morgan-Brown U17 Medway Park Phoenix 1.93 1   5 3693989
Women's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Lizzy Thompson SW Epsom & Ewell 9.56 4   591 aw 2724216
2 Molly Gransden U20 Hastings AC 7.11 3   301 3010170
Women's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Lauren Flack U17 Epsom & Ewell 9.24 4   555 aw 3500258
2 Jo Larkin W35 Hastings AC 5.31 3   56 2759345
Women's A Shot Putt
1 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 11.49 4 783 aw 2931099
2 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 9.64 3 663 aw 2759350
3 Sylvia Ofei-Kwatia W40 Sutton & District AC 7.50 2 506 3278904
Women's B Shot Putt
1 Liz Sissons W70 Epsom & Ewell 6.88 4 454 2659112
2 Jessie Walters U20 Sutton & District AC 6.00 3 374 3076589
3 Shelley Clark W35 Hastings AC 5.67 2 341 3575885
Women's A Discus
1 Joanna Bennett SW Epsom & Ewell 25.36 4 599 aw 2675907
2 Sylvia Ofei-Kwatia W40 Sutton & District AC 21.84 3 536 3278904
3 Molly Gransden U20 Hastings AC 18.40 2 467 3010170
4 Jessica Masters U20 Medway Park Phoenix 13.66 1 347 3289248
Women's B Discus
1 Wendy Dunsford W55 Epsom & Ewell 21.34 4 527 aw 2724142
2 Emma Lawrence U20 Sutton & District AC 19.86 3 498 0
3 Caitlin Millar SW Hastings AC 13.51 2 343 2794217
Women's A Hammer
1 Sylvia Ofei-Kwatia W40 Sutton & District AC 29.85 4 601 aw 3278904
2 Wendy Dunsford W55 Epsom & Ewell 25.78 3 542 aw 2724142
3 Jo Larkin W35 Hastings AC 13.02 2 309 2759345
4 Jessica Masters U20 Medway Park Phoenix 12.08 1 287 3289247
Women's B Hammer
1 Jessie Walters U20 Sutton & District AC 18.36 4 418 3076589
2 Liz Sissons W70 Epsom & Ewell 16.08 3 375 2659112
3 Becky Mabon W35 Hastings AC 6.32 2 93 3465517
Women's A Javelin
1 Emma Lawrence U20 Sutton & District AC 32.81 4 712 aw 0
2 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 30.65 3 682 aw 2931099
3 Jessica Masters U20 Medway Park Phoenix 11.78 2 315 3289248
4 Shelley Clark W35 Hastings AC 10.20 1 264 3575885
Women's B Javelin
1 Liz Sissons W70 Epsom & Ewell 18.23 4 472 2659112
2 Lucy Morgan-Brown U17 Medway Park Phoenix 10.45 3 272 3693989
3 Ella Cunnell U17 Sutton & District AC 7.83 2 160 3093536
4 Caitlin Millar SW Hastings AC 5.68 1 0 2794217
Women's 4x100m
1 Hastings AC SW   53.7 4 464
2 Epsom & Ewell SW   55.5 3 381
Women's 4x400m
1 Epsom & Ewell SW   4:34.2 4 388
2 Hastings AC SW   4:41.5 3 334
Men Non-scoring events
Event Pos Name Cat Club Perf. Wind aw URN
100 Alex Marsh SM Sutton & District AC 11.9 3289671
100 Thomas Hughes U17 Sutton & District AC 11.8 aw 3646361
100 Ethan Wood SM Sutton & District AC 11.7 3093523
200 Alex Marsh SM Sutton & District AC 23.5 3289671
200 Matt Dyer U17 Epsom & Ewell 24.3 aw 3432520
200 Ben Crouch SM Epsom & Ewell 26.0 3632183
400 Jayan Gunsekera U20 Epsom & Ewell 59.0 3664554
400 Alex Hawkins SM Epsom & Ewell 57.6 2808495
LJ Charlie Green U17 Epsom & Ewell 5.83 aw 3574976
LJ Callum Holder U17 Sutton & District AC 5.46 aw 3240311
HJ Callum Holder U17 Sutton & District AC 1.65 aw 3240311
HJ Jayan Gunsekera U20 Epsom & Ewell 1.35 3664554
800 Jordan Allen U20 Sutton & District AC 2:04.5 aw 3218478
100 Callum Holder U17 Sutton & District AC 12.7 3240311
5000 Ben Standage U20 Epsom & Ewell 18:33.2 3462228
Women Non-scoring events
EVENT Pos Name CAT Club Perf. Wind aw URN
200 Rosy Clements W40 Hastings AC 32.4 3385518
200 Sally Parry W40 Epsom & Ewell 30.4 aw 2681218
400 Sally Parry W40 Epsom & Ewell 68.0 2681218
Man of the Match Awards
High Jump 1 Jake Field SM Sutton & District AC 1.95 794
Long Jump 1 Jeremiah Nampuma SM Sutton & District AC 6.56 758
Long Jump 1 Daniel Ogun SM Sutton & District AC 6.56 758
High Jump 1 Sid Walters SM Sutton & District AC 1.90 753
100m 1 Kaylen Francis U20 Sutton & District AC 11.1 736
200m 1 Kaylen Francis U20 Sutton & District AC 22.5 731
Pole Vault 1 Jade Ive SW Sutton & District AC 3.90 902
Long Jump 1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 5.87 902
100mH 1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 14.7 841
200m 1 Elise Lovell SW Hastings AC 25.1 800
Shot 1 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 11.49 783
Long Jump 2 Diana Norman W40 Epsom & Ewell 5.15 729