Sweatshop Southern Athletics League: Division 2 West - Round 1 - Basingstoke - 14 April 2018
Team Score
1 Basingstoke & Mid Hants   232 M
2 Aldershot, Farnham & District   201 A
3 South London Harriers   186 S
4 Hillingdon AC   120 H
Men's A 100m Wind= -0.2
1 Luke Dorrell  U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 10.69 4 874 aw 2771441
2 Caius Joseph U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 11.25 3 689 aw 3402371
3 Harry Callanan U20 South London Harriers 11.40 2 644 aw 3690508
4 Sam Fraser U23 Hillingdon AC 11.68 1 565 3142671
Men's B 100m Wind= -0.2
1 Peter Shodipe U20 South London Harriers 11.66 4 571 aw 3217558
2 Glen Crowie U23 Hillingdon AC 12.09 3 460 3514942
3 Costas Bowgen  U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 12.17 2 442 3544678
4 George Asprey U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 12.27 1 419 0
Men's A 200m Wind= N/A
1 Luke Dorrell  U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 21.95 4 817 aw 2771441
2 Blaine Lewis-Shallow U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 23.01 3 656 aw 3018541
3 Harry Callanan U20 South London Harriers 23.10 2 643 aw 3690508
4 Alex Barker U23 Hillingdon AC 24.01 1 522 3142623
Men's B 200m Wind= N/A
1 Josh Strudwick SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 24.25 4 493 3286903
2 Peter Shodipe U20 South London Harriers 24.58 3 454 3217558
3 Dan Tomlinson SM Aldershot, Farnham & District 25.94 2 313 0
Men's A 400m
1 Harry Richardson U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 50.07 4 758 aw 2874381
2 Dan Howells U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 50.31 3 744 aw 3470967
3 Tashan Daniel U20 Hillingdon AC 52.04 2 645 aw 3142647
4 Charlie Goriup U20 South London Harriers 53.31 1 578 aw 3667990
Men's B 400m
1 Joe Flitcroft SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 52.30 4 631 aw 2706323
2 Alex Barker U23 Hillingdon AC 52.74 3 608 aw 3142623
3 George Asprey U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 53.34 2 576 aw 0
4 Sam Birch U20 South London Harriers 54.33 1 527 3667572
Men's A 800m
1 Dan Howells U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1:54.99 4 840 aw 3470967
2 Liam Holbrook U23 Hillingdon AC 1:55.82 3 817 aw 2954397
3 Luca Chiossone U23 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 2:01.80 2 656 aw 2706563
4 Alex Lyne U20 South London Harriers 2:08.01 1 512 3388797
Men's B 800m
1 Charlie Kershaw U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 2:02.49 4 639 aw 3260826
2 Alex Bigg U23 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 2:05.24 3 575 2706556
3 Luke Netts U20 South London Harriers 2:11.78 2 435 3755893
4 Adam Ireland U17 Hillingdon AC 2:14.43 1 386 3514957
Men's A 1500m
1 Elliot Pocock U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 4:14.62 4 621 aw 3109210
2 Christopher Elmer SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4:22.94 3 537 3582968
3 Josh Lee U17 Hillingdon AC 4:37.20 2 409 3292499
4 Owen Waire U17 South London Harriers 4:38.91 1 395 3571849
Men's B 1500m
1 Joe Blacknell U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 4:20.95 4 547 aw 3091052
2 Oli Morgan U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4:35.34 3 425 3381382
3 Alex Hutchison U20 Hillingdon AC 4:40.89 2 379 3628817
4 Alex Lyne U20 South London Harriers 4:45.69 1 342 3388797
Men's A 5000m
1 Rob Wood SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 15:38.27 4 702 aw 3535375
2 James Lyne  U23 South London Harriers 16:21.30 3 585 aw 3140752
3 Richard Batchelor M40 Aldershot, Farnham & District 17:40.34 2 396 2771347
Men's B 5000m
1 Justyn Moore SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 17:21.94 4 437 3240337
2 Billy Casserley SM South London Harriers 17:31.64 3 415 3021843
3 Rob Wakefield SM Aldershot, Farnham & District 18:23.81 2 307 2939938
Men's A 110mH Wind= -1.1
1 Ryan Bonifas SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 15.68 4 779 aw 273056
2 Simon Manning SM South London Harriers 20.12 3 364 2684490
3 Ian Jennings M45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 24.88 2 89 2661033
Men's B 110mH Wind= -1.1
1 Stephen Babalola  SM South London Harriers 23.18 4 167 2910580
2 Allan Leiper M55 Aldershot, Farnham & District 32.65 3 0 2771387
Men's A 400mH
1 Nicolas Gerome U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 56.82 4 781 aw 3753148
2 Simon Manning SM South London Harriers 62.91 3 586 aw 2684490
3 Rhys Feaviour U17 Hillingdon AC 70.74 2 374 3289806
4 Ian Jennings M45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 77.99 1 218 2661033
Men's B 400mH
1 Josh Strudwick SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 67.65 4 452 3286903
2 Stephen Babalola  SM South London Harriers 67.69 3 451 2910580
Men's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Andy Tindall  M55 South London Harriers 7:04.52 4 546 2963004
2 Xavier Booth U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 7:24.18 3 452 3023894
3 Cameron Coveney U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 7:36.03 2 400 3412886
Men's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 James Lyne  U23 South London Harriers 7:51.69 4 336 3140752
2 Andrew Hislop M50 Aldershot, Farnham & District 9:09.12 3 106 2771383
Men's A High Jump
1 Ryan Bonifas SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 1.80 4 671 aw 273056
2 Sam Fraser U23 Hillingdon AC 1.75 3 630 aw 3142671
3 George Asprey U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1.70 2 589 aw 0
4 Darren Brown SM South London Harriers 1.70 1 589 2817457
Men's B High Jump
1 Caius Joseph U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 1.80 4 671 aw 3402371
2 Chris Horlock U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1.70 3 589 aw 3429034
3 Stephen Babalola  SM South London Harriers 1.55 2 465 2910580
4 Rhys Feaviour U17 Hillingdon AC 1.40 1 340 3289806
Men's A Pole Vault
1 Caius Joseph U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4.45 4 832 aw 3402371
2 Gavin Berry SM Aldershot, Farnham & District 3.30 3 575 aw 3698072
3 Simon Manning SM South London Harriers 2.30 2 342 2684490
4 Keith Seldon M60 Hillingdon AC 1.10 1 33 2953893
Men's B Pole Vault
1 Ryan Bonifas SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 3.50 4 620 aw 273056
2 Andy Buchanan M45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 2.90 3 483 aw 3293443
3 Stephen Babalola  SM South London Harriers 1.90 2 244 2910580
4 Rhys Feaviour U17 Hillingdon AC 1.10 1 33 0
Men's A Long Jump Wind
1 Sam Fraser U23 Hillingdon AC 6.38 4   722 aw 3142671
2 Darren Brown SM South London Harriers 6.03 3   654 aw 2817457
3 John Dickinson SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 5.89 2   626 aw 3499705
4 Chris Horlock U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 5.61 1   572 3429034
Men's B Long Jump Wind
1 Alex Barker U23 Hillingdon AC 5.85 4   619 aw 3142623
2 Josh Strudwick SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 5.44 3   539 3286903
3 Stephen Babalola  SM South London Harriers 5.26 2   504 2910580
4 Ian Jennings M45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 3.46 1   165 2661033
Men's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Stephen Babalola  SM South London Harriers 12.18 4   669 aw 2910580
2 Cameron Zack U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 11.59 3   608 aw 3023097
3 Alex Barker U23 Hillingdon AC 11.30 2   578 3142623
4 John Dickinson SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 10.62 1   505 3499705
Men's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Darren Brown SM South London Harriers 11.36 4   584 2817457
2 Chris Horlock U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 11.25 3   573 3429034
3 Sam Fraser U23 Hillingdon AC 11.06 2   552 3142671
4 Josh Strudwick SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 10.40 1   480 3286903
Men's A Shot Putt
1 Tom Bullen  SM South London Harriers 14.07 4 824 aw 2790206
2 John Dickinson SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 11.62 3 670 aw 3499705
3 Allan Leiper M55 Aldershot, Farnham & District 10.68 2 606 aw 2771387
4 Glen Crowie U23 Hillingdon AC 9.71 1 536 3514942
Men's B Shot Putt
1 Nicolas Gerome U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 10.04 4 561 aw 3753148
2 Ian Jennings M45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 10.01 3 559 aw 2661033
3 Keith Seldon M60 Hillingdon AC 8.73 2 460 2953893
4 Ben Myburgh SM South London Harriers 7.26 1 332 0
Men's A Discus
1 Tom Bullen  SM South London Harriers 44.18 4 774 aw 2790206
2 Ben Hazell SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 39.22 3 703 aw 2706364
3 Allan Leiper M55 Aldershot, Farnham & District 29.39 2 545 aw 2771387
4 Glen Crowie U23 Hillingdon AC 24.61 1 456 3514942
Men's B Discus
1 Nathan Fergus SM South London Harriers 37.06 4 671 aw 3193101
2 Caius Joseph U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 35.72 3 650 aw 3402371
3 Ian Jennings M45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 26.56 2 493 2661033
4 Keith Seldon M60 Hillingdon AC 22.67 1 416 2953893
Men's A Hammer
1 Joe Flitcroft SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 47.43 4 727 aw 2706323
2 Neil Michin M40 Aldershot, Farnham & District 36.54 3 609 aw 3538454
3 Ben Myburgh SM South London Harriers 30.05 2 529 aw 2912173
4 Keith Seldon M60 Hillingdon AC 24.52 1 452 2953893
Men's B Hammer
1 Tom Bullen  SM South London Harriers 24.06 4 445 2790206
2 Jack Hempstead U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 20.51 3 389 3298297
3 Glen Crowie U23 Hillingdon AC 15.74 2 302 3514942
4 Allan Leiper M55 Aldershot, Farnham & District 14.94 1 285 2771387
Men's A Javelin
1 David Brice SM Aldershot, Farnham & District 52.09 4 751 aw 2771358
2 Ben Hazell SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 45.61 3 667 aw 2706364
3 Simon Manning SM South London Harriers 44.06 2 646 aw 2684490
4 Keith Seldon M60 Hillingdon AC 32.42 1 481 aw 2953893
Men's B Javelin
1 Ryan Bonifas SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 41.20 4 608 aw 273056
2 Cameron Zack U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 38.71 3 573 aw 3023097
3 Tom Bullen  SM South London Harriers 33.10 2 491 2790206
4 Glen Crowie U23 Hillingdon AC 25.38 1 368 3514942
Men's 4x100m
1 Basingstoke & Mid Hants SM   44.28 4 553
2 Aldershot, Farnham & District SM   46.35 3 386
3 South London Harriers SM   46.48 2 377
Men's 4x400m
1 Basingstoke & Mid Hants SM   3:28.97 4 559
2 Aldershot, Farnham & District SM   3:38.68 3 414
3 Hillingdon AC SM   3:52.61 2 245
Women's A 100m Wind= -0.6
1 Shanice Harrison SW South London Harriers 12.65 4 719 aw 2790232
2 Grace Jacobs U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.06 3 632 aw 2940507
3 Zoe Johnson U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 13.86 2 481 3628217
4 Kavitha Nagalingam SW Hillingdon AC 15.25 1 275 3106706
Women's B 100m Wind= -0.6
1 Georgina Darnell U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.55 4 537 2771529
2 Janet Beia U17 South London Harriers 13.74 3 502 3781347
3 Macy Barrett U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 14.17 2 429 3520564
4 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 16.66 1 131 2756716
Women's A 200m Wind= -2.5
1 Shanice Harrison SW South London Harriers 25.88 4 717 aw 2790232
2 Rebecca Bullock U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 26.32 3 673 aw 3044184
3 Grace Jacobs U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 27.88 2 529 2940507
4 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 33.77 1 166 2756716
Women's B 200m Wind= -2.5
1 Devon Mather U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 26.46 4 659 aw 3184958
2 Georgina Darnell U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 27.89 3 528 2771529
3 Anna Given U20 South London Harriers 29.96 2 371 3560714
4 Kavitha Nagalingam SW Hillingdon AC 34.21 1 149 3106706
Women's A 400m
1 Amber Clare U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 58.24 4 750 aw 3177645
2 Bea Lafreniere W40 Aldershot, Farnham & District 66.00 3 472 aw 3013862
3 Patricia Howard SW South London Harriers 76.83 2 197 3645176
4 Christina Benjamin  SW Hillingdon AC 94.40 1 6 3576617
Women's B 400m
1 Lydia Sommers U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 60.07 4 678 aw 3222328
2 Tasha Voase U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 67.23 3 434 3009288
3 Anna Jenkinson W40 South London Harriers 83.58 2 89 3755892
4 Lucy Duncan SW Hillingdon AC 95.25 1 4 3576691
Women's A 800m
1 Rebecca Bullock U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 2:15.9 4 790 aw 3044184
2 Hannah Jacobs U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 2:33.5 3 513 2940506
3 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 2:35.4 2 487 2756716
4 Tessa Billups  SW South London Harriers 2:44.0 1 377 2817455
Women's B 800m
1 Gemma Bigg U23 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 2:33.9 4 508 3017152
2 Amelia Clarke U17 South London Harriers 2:48.5 3 326 3537981
3 Ella Litjens U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 2:52.0 2 288 3341098
Women's A 1500m
1 Izzy Mannion U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4:47.40 4 724 aw 3292389
2 Alice Garner U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 4:55.37 3 662 aw 3109220
3 Amy Billups  SW South London Harriers 4:58.51 2 639 aw 2817454
4 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 5:15.26 1 520 2756716
Women's B 1500m
1 Rebecca Poole U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4:59.18 4 634 aw 3253329
2 Katie Standen  U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 5:10.86 3 550 3151199
3 Lin Skinner W40 South London Harriers 5:36.44 2 389 3388170
Women's A 3000m
1 Lauren Hall SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 10:24.01 4 720 aw 3040009
2 Mary James W40 South London Harriers 10:37.13 3 672 aw 3087880
3 Maddie Deadman U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 10:40.58 2 660 aw 3253325
4 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 11:21.73 1 522 aw 2756716
Women's B 3000m
1 Megan Gildea U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 10:46.09 4 640 aw 3081221
2 Ciara Williams SW Hillingdon AC 11:26.86 3 506 aw 3462915
3 Dee Barrett W45 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 13:05.20 2 245 3553180
Women's A 100mH Wind= Hand timed
1 Hannah Haugvik U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 17.0 4 613 aw 3195176
2 Abi Jennings U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 21.3 3 277 3117889
3 Lin Skinner W40 South London Harriers 21.4 2 271 3388170
4 Ciara Williams SW Hillingdon AC 22.8 1 188 3462915
Women's B 100mH Wind= Hand timed
1 Rebecca Poole U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 22.3 4 216 3253329
Women's A 400mH
1 Rebecca Poole U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 71.75 4 594 aw 3253329
2 Lin Skinner W40 South London Harriers 80.77 3 382 3388170
3 Abi Jennings U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 81.35 2 369 3117889
4 Ciara Williams SW Hillingdon AC 81.79 1 360 3462915
Women's B 400mH
1 Emily Cornwall  U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 78.99 4 421 0
2 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 95.15 3 125 2756716
Women's A 2000m Steeplechase
1 Mary James W40 South London Harriers 8:03.73 4 532 3087880
2 Ciara Williams SW Hillingdon AC 8:46.86 3 369 aw 3462915
Women's B 2000m Steeplechase
1 Patricia Howard SW South London Harriers 10:26.21 4 112 3645176
Women's A High Jump
1 Anna Given U20 South London Harriers 1.55 4 692 aw 3560714
2 Sophie Smith U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1.50 2.5 638 aw 3081226
2 Emily Cornwall U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 1.50 2.5 638 aw 0
4 Lotte Visser SW Hillingdon AC 1.20 1 318 3586565
Women's B High Jump
1 Hannah Haugvik U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 1.50 4 638 aw 3195176
2 Amelia Clarke U17 South London Harriers 1.40 3 531 3537981
3 Kim Valente  W40 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1.25 2 371 3191182
Women's A Pole Vault
1 Susanne Jacob-Williams W45 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 1.10 3.5 117 3594015
1 Abi Jennings U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1.10 3.5 117 3117889
3 Lucy Duncan SW Hillingdon AC 1.10 2 117 3576691
Women's B Pole Vault
Women's A Long Jump Wind
1 Emily Cornwall U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 5.13 4   724 aw 0
2 Kim Valente  W40 Aldershot, Farnham & District 4.54 3   584 aw 3191182
3 Lotte Visser SW Hillingdon AC 4.47 2   567 3586565
4 Ella Price U17 South London Harriers 4.26 1   518 3241896
Women's B Long Jump Wind
1 Hannah Haugvik U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4.99 4   691 aw 3195176
2 Abigail Large U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 4.07 3   474 3271102
3 Kavitha Nagalingam SW Hillingdon AC 2.86 2   198 3106706
Women's A Triple Jump Wind
1 Hannah Matson U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 10.24 4   668 aw 3078377
2 Izzy Mannion U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 10.10 3   652 aw 3292389
3 Ella Price U17 South London Harriers 8.79 2   503 3241896
4 Ciara Williams SW Hillingdon AC 7.19 1   311 3462915
Women's B Triple Jump Wind
1 Sophie Smith U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 9.42 4   576 aw 3081226
2 Fran Sene  U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 9.37 3   570 aw 0
3 Amelia Clarke U17 South London Harriers 7.85 2   392 3537981
4 Hannah Wells SW Hillingdon AC 7.07 1   296 2756716
Women's A Shot Putt
1 Joanna Barnaby U17 South London Harriers 9.85 4 678 aw 3577349
2 Natalie Gilfrin U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 8.80 3 604 aw 2832547
3 Lisa Baker SW Basingstoke & Mid Hants 7.63 2 516 2706435
4 Emily Wilcock U20 Hillingdon AC 7.23 1 483 3142741
Women's B Shot Putt
1 Sadia Kabeya U17 South London Harriers 9.25 4 636 aw 3595830
2 Hannah Reed U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 7.00 3 464 3016828
3 Emma Broadey SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 6.74 2 442 2771507
4 Kacey Laird U17 Hillingdon AC 6.04 1 378 3576695
Women's A Discus
1 Joanna Barnaby U17 South London Harriers 32.31 4 705 aw 3577349
2 Emma Broadey SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 25.39 3 599 aw 2771507
3 Susanne Jacob-Williams W45 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 21.36 2 527 3594015
4 Kacey Laird U17 Hillingdon AC 17.53 1 447 3576695
Women's B Discus
1 Sadia Kabeya U17 South London Harriers 25.85 4 607 aw 3595830
2 Natalie Gilfrin U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 20.35 3 507 2832547
3 Emily Wilcock U20 Hillingdon AC 16.49 2 423 3142741
4 Hannah Reed U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 14.79 1 380 3016828
Women's A Hammer
1 Sadia Kabeya U17 South London Harriers 32.78 4 641 aw 3595830
2 Georgie Floyd SW Hillingdon AC 26.52 3 553 aw 2953724
3 Lisa Baker SW Basingstoke & Mid Hants 24.59 2 524 2706435
4 Emma Broadey SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 16.94 1 392 2771507
Women's B Hammer
1 Jill Lula W40 South London Harriers 24.72 4 526 2659157
2 Kacey Laird U17 Hillingdon AC 18.19 3 415 3576695
3 Megan French U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 15.95 2 372 3258816
4 Kirsten Workman W60 Aldershot, Farnham & District 14.48 1 342 2681685
Women's A Javelin
1 Georgie Floyd SW Hillingdon AC 38.91 4 792 aw 2953724
2 Emma Broadey SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 34.09 3 729 aw 2771507
3 Ella Price U17 South London Harriers 28.21 2 645 aw 3241896
4 Hannah Reed U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 22.17 1 547 3016828
Women's B Javelin
1 Emily Wilcock U20 Hillingdon AC 31.83 4 698 aw 3142741
2 Susanne Jacob-Williams W45 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 21.13 3 528 aw 3594015
3 Joanna Barnaby U17 South London Harriers 19.53 2 498 3577344
4 Kirsten Workman W60 Aldershot, Farnham & District 19.36 1 494 aw 2681685
Women's 4x100m
1 Aldershot, Farnham & District SW   51.29 4 583 aw
2 South London Harriers SW   52.76 3 509
3 Basingstoke & Mid Hants SW   53.43 2 476
4 Hillingdon AC SW   65.34 1 57
Women's 4x400m
1 Basingstoke & Mid Hants SW   4:04.52 4 644 aw
2 Aldershot, Farnham & District SW   4:26.66 3 448
3 South London Harriers SW   4:37.98 2 360
Men Non-scoring events
Event Pos Name Cat Club Perf. Wind aw URN
100 1 Oliver Sutton U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 12.72 +0.2
100 2 Malachi Etienne  U20 Hillingdon AC 12.73 +0.2 3576677
200 1 Sam Birch U20 South London Harriers 24.45 -1.6
200 2 Costas Bowgen  U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 24.74 -1.6 3544678
200 3 Oliver Sutton U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 26.19 -1.6
400 1 Alex Parker U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 54.05
400 2 Dan Weston U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 54.74 aw 3091038
800 7 Joshua Kemp U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 2:09.14 aw 3647431
1500 2 Theo Doran U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 4:18.78 aw 3271089
1500 9 Jack Hempstead U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4:41.46 3298297
1500 11 Tony Watkins SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 5:14.93
5000 3 Tom Bowerman SM Aldershot, Farnham & District 16:25.17 aw
5000 7 Ashley Cox SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 17:47.35
2000SC 1 Alex Bigg SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 7:01.02
DT 1 Nicholas Gerome SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 29.39 aw
DT 2 Ryan Bonifas SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 24.13
DT 3 Andy Wilcox SM Hillingdon 17.87
HT 1 Andy Wilcox SM Hillingdon AC 17.73 3514986
JT 1 Josh Strudwick SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 36.07 3286903
JT 2 Andy Wilcox SM Hillingdon AC 23.48 3514986
LJ 1 Ryan Raghoo - T36 Athlete SM Bmhac 4.62  3498142
PV 1 John Dickinson SM Basingstoke & Mid Hants 3.70 aw 3499705
SP 1 Andy Wilcox SM Hillingdon AC 7.60 3514986
Women Non-scoring events
EVENT Pos Name CAT Club Perf. Wind aw URN
800 8 Ellen Rham U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 3:07.8 2995629
100 1 Amanda Obljiaku U17 South London Harriers 12.98 -0.8 aw
100 2 Hannah Matson U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.42 -0.8 3078377
100 3 Ellen Franklin SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.66 -0.8 2995620
100 4 Charlotte Wardrope U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.80 -0.8 3745282
100 5 Lauren Winter U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.82 -0.8 3772367
100 6 Olivia Payne U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 13.83 -0.8 3769564
400 1 Devon Mather U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 60.41 aw 3184958
400 2 Izzy Wedderburn U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 61.34 aw 3285271
400 3 Annie Wright U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 64.94 aw 3117828
100HW 2 Emily Cornwall U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  17.8 aw
200 1 Amanda Obljiaku U17 South London Harriers 27.52 -1.3
200 2 Katie Hazell SW Basingstoke & Mid Hants  27.59 -1.3
200 3 Janet Beia U17 South London Harriers 27.99 -1.3 3781347
200 4 Hannah Reed U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  28.46 -1.3 3016828
200 5 Charlotte Wardrope  U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 28.87 -1.3 3745282
200 6 Sarah Fafiade U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  29.22 -1.3 3646728
200 1 Hannah Matson U20 Aldershot, Farnham & District 27.72 -0.9 3078377
200 2 Ellie Woodall U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  28.75 -0.9 3578456
200 3 Bea Lafreniere W40 Aldershot, Farnham & District 29.62 -0.9 3013862
200 4 Abigail Large U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 29.62 -0.9 3271102
200 5 Kelly Roberts W45 Aldershot, Farnham & District 34.37 -0.9 3419675
1500 5 Mitch Lloyd W40 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  5:03.73 aw 3384791
1500 6 Macy Watson U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  5:06.45 aw 3571323
1500 9 Gemma Bigg U23 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  5:20.68 3017152
1500 11 Anna Jenkinson W40 South London Harriers 6:22.37 3755892
DTW 1 Georgie Floyd SW Hillingdon AC 21.73
JTW 1 Lotte Vissen  SW Hillingdon AC 19.20
LJ 1 Hannah Reed U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  4.77 aw 3016828
LJ 2 Macy Barrett U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  4.46 3520564
4x400 1 Basingstoke & Mid Hants  SW Basingstoke & Mid Hants  4:04.21 aw
Man of the Match Awards
100m 1 Luke Dorrell  U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 10.69 874
800m 1 Dan Howells U17 Aldershot, Farnham & District 1:54.99 840
Pole Vault 1 Caius Joseph U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4.45 832
Shot 1 Tom Bullen  SM South London Harriers 14.07 824
200m 1 Luke Dorrell  U23 Aldershot, Farnham & District 21.95 817
800m 2 Liam Holbrook U23 Hillingdon AC 1:55.82 817
Javelin 1 Georgie Floyd SW Hillingdon AC 38.91 792
800m 1 Rebecca Bullock U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 2:15.9 790
400m 1 Amber Clare U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 58.24 750
Javelin 2 Emma Broadey SW Aldershot, Farnham & District 34.09 729
1500m 1 Izzy Mannion U17 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 4:47.40 724
Long Jump 1 Emily Cornwall U20 Basingstoke & Mid Hants 5.13 724